jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012


I would really like to visit Belgium. I had a belgian classmate in high school and she told me a lot of great stuff about it. My reasons to choose this country are not just about their famous chocolates  (from whom I very fond) and cuisine, it is also about the marvellous landscapes, history, beautiful art and, above all,  the major role that plays folklore in that country. It takes a lot of elements of catholicism and paganism, just like our own religious festivities, and they also have big parades like La Tirana, so I think that it would be extremly nice be part of all of it with the perspective of a visitor.
I know that Belgium has very good colleges, but I don`t really know  how good  their anthropology schools are, so I would have to search about it before thinking in study there. I would prefer studying in England or in U.S for the matter, but if I had the opportunity I`d totally willing to work there, like in a historic cemetery or something like that.

3 comentarios:

  1. And, what about the Belgium's men? Remember this, if you go to Belgium, I will be waiting for the chocolates and a lot of historical souvenirs! But well, after all, Belgium's landscapes are awesome and just this is a good reason to do it.

  2. Hi!!
    I think that is very interesting place to visist, I don`t really know anything about Belgium. But, by your post, do you know me sometinhk new.
